Articles written by Karina

The Power of Volunteering: How My Dad Inspired a Lifetime of Giving Back

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Growing up, my dad was a shining example of generosity and compassion for me. A former teacher in Guatemala, he dedicated his time and energy to helping others, even when faced with limited resources. Witnessing his selflessness from a young age left an indelible mark on me, shaping my values and instilling a lifelong commitment to giving back to the community.

My dad’s passion for service was evident in everything he did. As a teacher, he went above and beyond his duty by staying after school to teach adults who were unable to read and write. I remember accompanying him to these classes, eager to lend a hand in any way I could. By the age of five, I was actively involved in volunteering alongside my dad, helping to teach basic literacy skills to those in need.

Beyond his work in education, my dad was instrumental in advocating for basic necessities in impoverished communities. Despite facing significant challenges, such as a lack of water and electricity, he tirelessly collaborated with the government to improve living conditions for residents. His dedication to uplifting others, even in the face of adversity, taught me the true meaning of resilience and determination.

I remember a special moment from when I was five years old. My dad was working on a project in The Village to bring light to the community. He asked me to help by turning on the first light. I pulled a string, and suddenly, the whole area lit up! Everyone clapped and cheered, and it was the most wonderful feeling for me as a child.

My dad’s actions taught me that generosity knows no bounds, and that even the smallest gestures can have a profound impact on individuals and communities. Despite his own financial struggles, he demonstrated that true wealth lies in the ability to give back and uplift those in need.

Today, as a female entrepreneur, driven by his legacy, I am committed to carrying forward his teachings. Whether through volunteering, advocacy, or philanthropy, I strive to honor his memory by making a difference in the lives of others.

My dad’s unwavering dedication to serving others has left an enduring legacy that continues to shape my worldview and drive my passion for making a positive difference. His selfless acts of kindness have inspired me to embrace the power of volunteering and to always seek opportunities to uplift those in need.

As I carry forward his teachings and values, I’ve made it a priority to instill the values of generosity and compassion in my own children. Just as my dad involved me in his charitable endeavors from a young age, I involve my kids in the charity work we do as a family. Whether it’s simple acts of packing food for the homeless, distributing meals at the muslim care center or volunteering through 100 Meals a week i ensure that my children witness firsthand the impact of giving back.

By involving them in these activities, I hope to impart upon them the same sense of empathy and responsibility towards others that my father instilled in me. Just as my dad’s actions shaped my worldview and drive for making a difference, I strive to pass on this legacy to the next generation, ensuring that the torch of kindness and service continues to burn brightly in our family for years to come.

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